A special ROSE has helped me to do a better job on showing you my family's slide-show.

A special ROSE has helped me to do a better job on showing you my family's slide-show.
Unfortunatly this blog doesn't show the viewing screen full-width. However, I've got a full screen version for you if you'll just click onto this Rose. The Rose will transport you to my blog called 'All Happy Talk'. This blog was created for those who have young children; who want ideas - who enjoy creating happy times with their children and family. If you'll click the Rose, you'll go through 'space'. When you get there, take 1 to 2 seconds to scroll to the bottom of that much shorter 'blog', and you'll see the beautiful pictures; and relax among the grassy lawn I've put there for you. After the first 4 songs on 'All Happy Talk', the rest of the 90 melodies are what I use to relax with; often to fall asleep to. I hope you enjoy your visit here, and there. Diane

I'm glad you came to visit! My children welcome you. Enjoy the music & the photo-show.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Okay, my bear THIGS, said it's time for his own 'space' (now he knows what a blog is).

http://womenonwomenwow1.blogspot.com. THIGS-BEAR took my link to his favorite HONEY SUPPLIER TOO...guess he's forcing me to 'come to visit' - smart bear, isn't he!

I guess THIGS thinks he knows more about what women like to read and look at than I do - oh well, we're still buddies.

I hope you enjoy the music I picked for you; I think THIGS is going to find some of his own as well.


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