A special ROSE has helped me to do a better job on showing you my family's slide-show.

A special ROSE has helped me to do a better job on showing you my family's slide-show.
Unfortunatly this blog doesn't show the viewing screen full-width. However, I've got a full screen version for you if you'll just click onto this Rose. The Rose will transport you to my blog called 'All Happy Talk'. This blog was created for those who have young children; who want ideas - who enjoy creating happy times with their children and family. If you'll click the Rose, you'll go through 'space'. When you get there, take 1 to 2 seconds to scroll to the bottom of that much shorter 'blog', and you'll see the beautiful pictures; and relax among the grassy lawn I've put there for you. After the first 4 songs on 'All Happy Talk', the rest of the 90 melodies are what I use to relax with; often to fall asleep to. I hope you enjoy your visit here, and there. Diane

I'm glad you came to visit! My children welcome you. Enjoy the music & the photo-show.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Here's an example of one of the many artists I've located on the web. Can you believe this is not a photograph? I simply had to visit Linda's web-site - I think you'll agree with me when you take a look at her recent works. She's done a drawing of Marilyn Monroe that is one of the most beautiful (I also have a small picture of her work further down on this web-site). She's also done several of Clay Aiken that are stunning. http://imaginee08.blogspot.com.

When you visit the site of Sandie Smith, you also won't believe that all the paintings of her many horses are really paintings - they look like photographs. http://rollingsranch.com.

The illustrations by Kate Wiggins are charming and heart-warming; I think she should illustrate children's books - even have her own 'photo-column' in a newspaper; what a delight she is! http://katedwiggins.blogspot.com.

I have pieces of Robin Urton's art; I love her 'Buddah-Being" (you can find a print of this further down on this page). http://eyeconart.net.

Robin also puts her art on cards and pendants - great gifts for Mom's Day.

Linda has postal cards and prints that are so reasonably priced; she also does commission work - you can get prices from her directly.

This is my last post for about 8 weeks - these are links as part of my gift to you. I've also left all the mom's a Mother's Day card - and a small poem of my own; enjoy.

Have a great April & May - I'll have more time in June to make a new entry - or maybe this is quite enough...this blog has gotten pretty 'filled up'.

I've put some of my recipes on a new blog - using my daughter's photos and her darling dog, to 'author' those entries; Dexter-dog is a darling. http://dexterspeoplerecipes.blogspot.com.

How I keep slender; foods - recipes, and various links and ideas for staying healthy are now at http://dietandmusic4weightloss.blogspot.com.

Re-entered my poetry at: http://poeticjustismine.blogspot.com.

Some of my 'women talk' is at: http://wowanswers1.blogspot.com.

I love my latest blog because it lets me put up information and ideas for children and families; you can find that at: http://allhappytalk.blogspot.com.

A few more recipes are found at: http://fivewaychili.blogspot.com. No, the Cincinnati chili recipe isn't up there yet - I'm saving that for another day, but there is a recipe very similar to that recipe that's super yummy.

Enjoy - music; art - good food, and healthy eating - what more can you want? Okay, happy talk - and for me, that's just about all I need in my life.

Take care - Diane

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