A special ROSE has helped me to do a better job on showing you my family's slide-show.

A special ROSE has helped me to do a better job on showing you my family's slide-show.
Unfortunatly this blog doesn't show the viewing screen full-width. However, I've got a full screen version for you if you'll just click onto this Rose. The Rose will transport you to my blog called 'All Happy Talk'. This blog was created for those who have young children; who want ideas - who enjoy creating happy times with their children and family. If you'll click the Rose, you'll go through 'space'. When you get there, take 1 to 2 seconds to scroll to the bottom of that much shorter 'blog', and you'll see the beautiful pictures; and relax among the grassy lawn I've put there for you. After the first 4 songs on 'All Happy Talk', the rest of the 90 melodies are what I use to relax with; often to fall asleep to. I hope you enjoy your visit here, and there. Diane

I'm glad you came to visit! My children welcome you. Enjoy the music & the photo-show.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Here's an example of one of the many artists I've located on the web. Can you believe this is not a photograph? I simply had to visit Linda's web-site - I think you'll agree with me when you take a look at her recent works. She's done a drawing of Marilyn Monroe that is one of the most beautiful (I also have a small picture of her work further down on this web-site). She's also done several of Clay Aiken that are stunning. http://imaginee08.blogspot.com.

When you visit the site of Sandie Smith, you also won't believe that all the paintings of her many horses are really paintings - they look like photographs. http://rollingsranch.com.

The illustrations by Kate Wiggins are charming and heart-warming; I think she should illustrate children's books - even have her own 'photo-column' in a newspaper; what a delight she is! http://katedwiggins.blogspot.com.

I have pieces of Robin Urton's art; I love her 'Buddah-Being" (you can find a print of this further down on this page). http://eyeconart.net.

Robin also puts her art on cards and pendants - great gifts for Mom's Day.

Linda has postal cards and prints that are so reasonably priced; she also does commission work - you can get prices from her directly.

This is my last post for about 8 weeks - these are links as part of my gift to you. I've also left all the mom's a Mother's Day card - and a small poem of my own; enjoy.

Have a great April & May - I'll have more time in June to make a new entry - or maybe this is quite enough...this blog has gotten pretty 'filled up'.

I've put some of my recipes on a new blog - using my daughter's photos and her darling dog, to 'author' those entries; Dexter-dog is a darling. http://dexterspeoplerecipes.blogspot.com.

How I keep slender; foods - recipes, and various links and ideas for staying healthy are now at http://dietandmusic4weightloss.blogspot.com.

Re-entered my poetry at: http://poeticjustismine.blogspot.com.

Some of my 'women talk' is at: http://wowanswers1.blogspot.com.

I love my latest blog because it lets me put up information and ideas for children and families; you can find that at: http://allhappytalk.blogspot.com.

A few more recipes are found at: http://fivewaychili.blogspot.com. No, the Cincinnati chili recipe isn't up there yet - I'm saving that for another day, but there is a recipe very similar to that recipe that's super yummy.

Enjoy - music; art - good food, and healthy eating - what more can you want? Okay, happy talk - and for me, that's just about all I need in my life.

Take care - Diane


For our daughters:
"From button nose to twinkly toes
we watch from rosebud to the rose
our darling daughter as she grows
this joy of joys
a mother knows".
For our mothers:
To mothers go all hearts and flowers
for loving kindness
at all hours
In our esteem she always towers
happy are we that
are ours!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Now here's their embedded message below - I'm leaving it here so you can see what will happen to you. Pyzam wrote this - I didn't.
On a happier note? I like some of their templates; used one for another blog of mine....it's an 'oh well' conclusion.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Okay, my bear THIGS, said it's time for his own 'space' (now he knows what a blog is).

http://womenonwomenwow1.blogspot.com. THIGS-BEAR took my link to his favorite HONEY SUPPLIER TOO...guess he's forcing me to 'come to visit' - smart bear, isn't he!

I guess THIGS thinks he knows more about what women like to read and look at than I do - oh well, we're still buddies.

I hope you enjoy the music I picked for you; I think THIGS is going to find some of his own as well.


Monday, March 24, 2008


My daugther took this picture - she was feeding birds and shoveling 12 inches of snow on March 8, 2008 - she's a sweetie!
Hey, a post-script: Our security guard walks around at night; looking for noisy music - and other 'unpleasant things'. Guess what - he rang our door-bell and asked where that wonderful music was coming from! My husband said: "My crazy wife; she makes up these play-lists; plays them 24/7 - she's got about 2000 songs put together!"
Security guard says: "Hey, here's my e-mail address; have her send me the links - I love them; sometimes I stand outside your window and just listen - it's great!"
...wonders never cease.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A MOST INCREDIBLE WEB-SITE; I just can't read French!

Well, thank goodness ART is visible in 'any language'.
Beautiful art; incredible photography - all at this site!
Igor lives in France; had a nice e-mail from him, and obtained his web-site link. To top it all off, he does web-design; a remarkable display of talent. Treat yourself - pay him a visit. Here's his link: http://www.mozaikart.org/
Hello Diane,this is my first visit on your blog and I confront immediately your advertisment of my art, what a wonderfull reception !I promise, I will work on the English version very soon, I will let you know when ready.I am also preparing a new blog which will be on three or four languages (French, English, Hungarian and maybe Polish), it is called Pro Etnicum (http://proetnicum.blogspot.com - not ready !).Concerning the other part of your blog here, let me look around, I see in advance that it is rich of extremly interesting things :)Hope to hear about you soon.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I just love Gratefulness.org! Everything is peaceful; focused on global respect and love for each other. I do hope you'll make a visit to this site - I've certainly benefited from its wisdom.
By the way: Where we love to
spend 'spring-time' - Catalina Island; lots of good memories there - more to be
made this year....
Just so I don't forget my favorite point of departure, I'm leaving this information right here. We used to go out of Long Beach, but the traffic is miserable now. San Pedro is difficult - again, traffic and zig-zagging around, so this is the most direct route (and it's only about a 15 minute drive from where we stay at Camp Pendleton)....

Saturday, March 8, 2008



http://www.playlist.com/node/28132075 - My Carnegie Hall music. My mom sent me this picture; mother just beat 'cancer' on 1/20/08 - we're all so happy. Her mom would be about the age of this lady if she'd lived; she died at age 47 - so sad - a wonderful woman (I was given her name as my first name).

If you want this play-list (again, my Carnegie Hall 'wish-list')to 'stand-alone' on your computer tray - play while you're looking at other web-sites, just click this link, and it will 'pop out' at you! Be sure you click 'view', so you can start the 10 hours of beautiful music! Your concert is about to begin right here: http://www.playlist.com/standalone/28132075.

I think of my mother - all my family so often; being
so far away, makes it hard.

I think of my children - all grown up; all
far away as well.....

I come here to 'visit'
my family; some of the photos have been sent to me by the magic of the I-net! I
cherish the technology that lets me visit my family whenever I want to. I
thought maybe you'd like to meet my family too, so I've made a link to my

Today is March 8; it was one of
the most beautiful snow-falls at my daughter's home in Ohio. She quickly sent me
beautiful pictures she'd taken; ever diligent - ever helping me 'see all of
them' as they experience life.

Experience your life; live it - enjoy every minute as this lady of seems to have done - believe you can live to 106 (or more). I think her face is beautiful - I think my grandmother Wilma might have even looked like this.

I'd like you to meet my family:


Sunday, March 2, 2008

I CALL IT 'HEAR'..Healthy Eating Always Rules!

....And the night-wind said to the little Shepherd Boy..."Do you HEAR what I HEAR?"

How many of us are listening to our bodies when they 'speak to us' of our health? How many are ignoring the signals their own body sends out when it's not being fed nutritional food?

I can't live my life to the fullest extent, if I'm ignoring my diet. My body has to 'move' with energy and well-being. Since I live on this earth (I'm not an angel with beautiful wings), I have to know what it takes to make me healthy in this world.

I find the best information for diet; recipes - overall well-being and excellent articles for answering my medical questions and needs. When I need this type of information, I'm usually heading to
http://sparkpeople.com first! They have a complete medical encyclopedia just waiting for my use.

They encourage me to read and learn for my own benefit; they even give me 'spark points' for finding out new information that benefits me! I can plan my menus; learn about nutrition, and share ideas with other members. They are all so up-beat and inspiring individuals. SparkGuy - Chris - he's the young man that started this site - he strives every day to make this web-site better for its 2,000,000 plus members! In fact, I understand Spark People is the 3rd largest web-site that is read daily! Glad to know I'm 'hanging out' with the best!!

In fact, Chris reminds me of "Sparky" Anderson - how many times did this guy take the Cincinnati Reds to the World Series and win? After that, he 'sparked' my favorite base-ball team (Detroit Tigers) - another World Series win!

I also check up with my member-friends at http://about.com. I enjoy my visits here. I've met people from so many parts of the world. I notice how diets can differ. While our foods might vary, I still find such joy in the 'souls' and focused efforts of its many members.

I find new recipes at these links - they are all great! http://allrecipes.com. http://chefmichele.blogspot.com. http://chow.com/recipes. http://cookingchat.blogspot.com. When I want a special recipe for a 'fun holiday', I head on over to http://foodnetwork.com.

Family is important to all of us. I like to update my 'outlook' on all this by checking in with http://familyeducation.com. Another favorite is http://www.kaboose.com.
If I want to pick out an 'angel' for a friend or home, I find beautifully-crafted angels at http://heritagegiftstore.com. I've been on their mailing list for about 3 years - still haven't run out of angels...............

And after I think about angels, I remember that there are many different religions that are all very inspiring. If one is trying to make a 'choice', well I know how I avoid some of that confusion (because I respect each and every religious concept). I just link up to
http://aeu.org . Their focus is on ethics.

Ethics; threaded throughout each and every religion. My bear THIGS agrees. After all, his name stands for Truth, Honor, Integrity, Good Spirit - all the elements of any religion or philosophy that brings a quality life to each who adheres to a few basic principles.
I'm partial to the GOLDEN RULE - simple; direct, and oh so effective!

I know one thing: I need 'spiritual food' to go with my fresh fruit and veggies each day. I cherish the words of Kahlil Gibran and all the words of wisdom he's written in over 40 books. He remains 'alive' years after his writings; here's where I find some of these

I sometimes want ideas; maybe want to know about job opportunities - if not for me, possibly a friend. I like to read http://ideaseller.typepad.com. I read http://ceoconsultant.com/blog. I check out http://enotes.com.

I drink coffee with my husband; watch over his shoulder as he links up to one of his favorite topics
http://earlyaviators.com. Because he was a fighter pilot in Vieg Nam, his lofe of planes and helicopters is constant!

I travel 'around the world' when I 'tune in' to the thousands of photos I find from diligent 'souls' who generously post their photographs on
http://flickr.com. My daughter was asking about Antelope Canyon in Page, Arizona - I simply went to Flickr, and found over 14,000 photographs of this canyon that words can not describe - just a myriad of adjectives that one can use when the word beautiful comes to mind..............

Of course speaking of my daughter, I'm proud of her
and the business she's started - she is so sincere, and diligent; I keep her
web-site here for 'checking in' on what she's up to in Ohio. That spot I so
dearly love, is

Often I decide I need to send a card to friends and family in my
life. I just sent in my $10 annual membership to keep those beautiful cards
handy. Here's that link that I use weekly

This is how I start my life; my day is my life for the moment -
living in the moment means getting the most from every hour. Every hour turns
into another day completed with accomplishment; a night to look forward to a bit
of time to myself - the sun comes up, and I just do 'peat, and repeat' - and
peat never falls out. I do HEAR...................



I know I have to keep current on what's going on in the world of business - that's just part of 'life's program'; definitely in the 21st Century. I guess if one is going to be 'on top of the world', one has to stay on top of the world! Mountains don't have to worry about the daily news; they can enjoy the luxury of keeping their heads in the clouds..........

I've loved Business Week and Washington Post for so many years, I can't even venture a guess as to how many old publications I've saved from years of subscriptions and my 'pack-rat' capabilities.

Now I'm happy I can link right to them. I usually read the latest in business, so I go to Business week:

I move on over to the Washington Post @
http://washingtonpost.com. After I've spent about 45 minutes reading these two web-sites, I think I'm allowed a visit to something on a lighter note. Light - fun, and always a conversation with my husband comes from a topic or fact I've read at Snopes. Yes, Snopes is fun; full of information - try this if you want to find something you might debate with your family, or a friend: http://snopes.com.

http://www.hbofilms.johnadams.com/index2.html - this is the link I use when I do have to 'think serious', I use this link to get vital information about our country's polices:

I enjoy updating my family history - and chatting with people like Mr. Beatty; a distant Rambow relative. Meet up with someone you might be related to at http://rootsweb.com.

Inspiring quotes? I like
http://notable-quotes.com. I like the wisdom in the multitude of quotes I locate at http://brainyquotes.com. I so enjoy fun poetry; this is in abundance at http://funnypoets.com.

I like reading books. I have two favorites links for that. One is http://bartelby.com/. Then if I have time, I read another selection from
http://books.google.com. and enjoy some music at the same time.

Music? http://www.playlist.com/static/user/20509435.html.

Soon I'll finish up my day, and head for some of my more relaxing web-sites!



When I feel I've crossed off my list of THINGS TO DO with a measure of success; my family is settled for the night, and I need to just 'relax', then I go to the links I've created, for music, music, music!

After I make my selection from one of my play-lists, I now have about eight hours of non-stop melodies that I can relax with.

I close that play-list; the music keeps playing, and I 'double-back' here to start looking at all the art links I've created.

I usually read a few more poems; finish another chapter of a book I'm reading on-line (through the Google on-line books link), and avoid the television since I don't like paying for movies (too costly); don't like paying for extra cable services when I don't get to pick my own 'programs'.

I'd say I'm kind of picky......but this is what
works for me in
my life. If you're 'picky', take your
'pick' - or make up a
blog-spot of your very own - tell me about it, and
I'll come to visit!

Here's what I pick for my music: http://playlist.com/static/user/20509435.
If you've got laundry to do; late-night lunches to
prepare, then go for the 'Loud and Crazy' listing (this will get your energy
fired up). Hey, the kids might even like this track - they might even help pack
the lunches for the next week or so!

When I want art, well I first
go to the bottom portion of my blog where my favorite artist's pictures and
links are listed. Once I've visited their pages, I choose
http://illusionsgallery.com. I simply love to look at all the works of art Joyce
has to offer.

When I just want to browse
and 'dream', I go to
I love
Then I head over to a couple more - my computer has 'bogged' down by now; my
eyes are tired, so I take a break and have some tea.
Tea time - eyes are tired now.